Sunday, August 23, 2009

My last day at the Burn Out House...

Moving again...

All my stuff is now moved out and the empty room has taken on an unsettling echo that I really wasn't prepared for.

In an earlier post about moving, I spoke about physical places and homes. I don't think I gave it enough credit. Physical places really do have a power and significance that is not totally illegitimate. Not enough to hold you back, but it deserves respect.

With that, here are the things I want to remember about Burn Out House:

-Jess, Jim, Casey, and me - the Burn Outs
-running into the beach at 3am
-the lightswitch fireplace
-the sound of the ocean as I'm falling asleep
-the ocean
-AS, DM, LD, ES, and my family, all who came out to visit and shared this space, you guys rock.
-my little oil lamp
-that washing machine - yes, it really was worth it.
-rock band
-the funky 1st floor layout
-the move out party
-the coastal commute to work
-coming home over the crest of Marine, and seeing the ocean, and calling it home. yep, it never got old.

This part of it is not a distrust of the future; it is a bond with my past. An empty house certainly looks like I've never been there, but I like to believe that I've left a imprint on the spirit (and not the walls, paint, and floors) of this place.

Onwards and upwards!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Painted on the Sky

Nice clouds today...more photos! At 50mm and 18mm.

Nifty nifty!

The sky, it was thiiiiis big!


Saying Goodbye

Yup, I'm moving again. And with that, I've got to leave my lovely beach house behind. The housemates are moving on, and so I am too. I'm looking for housemates, so if you know anyone living in or moving to LA who's looking for housemates, shoot me an email.

I've been trying to spend more time at the beach to enjoy it for these last few weeks, and tonight gave me this beautiful view to share with you.

Monday, August 3, 2009

RIP, Good and Faithful Chair

Well, there it is, my chair. The chair I spent nearly my entire college education in -- in which I toiled over problem sets, papers, and projects, and even slept a few tired nights in. And today, it finally gave up, and left me to take up the torch and carry on...alone. But to be fair, it did try to take me with it when it went.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Canticle of the Sun

I was reading a book that called out The Canticle of the Sun, by St. Francis of Assisi, which then reminded me of the classic hymn. Remember Canticle of the Sun? Those who went to church with me probably recall that we sang it all the time. Man, I miss home.

"Come, dance in the forest, come, play in the field, and sing, sing to the glory of the Lord!"
Link to a translation of St. Francis' original Canticle: