Wednesday, August 20, 2008

JaSmix and more!

I can't tell you how wonderful it was to see you and dance with you all at JaSmix (weekend of Aug 10th)! I am grateful beyond words. Oh how I have missed you all! You gave me such a warm welcome; it's really nice to have a home to come home to, ya'know? Thank you for the music (the songs I'm singing...), DJ Jason. A shout out to the most fabulous dance partner in the world - that's you, Joy. And to Ella, visiting all the way from Israel - having you back is about the best thing ever.

And that's not all!
Katherine, cheers to France! Paris is one lucky city. Have a great time. Thanks for having me over!
Jackie - Happy Birthdaaaay!
Jason - beautiful hike; quote of the day: "could you guys talk quieter, because you know we're, like, in nature"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha...we have one from the Half Dome trip, too.

Looking at the power cables across the mountain and the difference in landscaping around it...

"who gave the mountain a mohawk?"